Quality Politics
The Address of COMERCIAL COSMÉTICA VALLADOLID, S.L. has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System based on the requirements of the standards UNE EN ISO 9001 ” Quality Management System ” and UNE EN ISO 13485 ‘Quality management systems. Sanitary Products”The Quality Management System reaches as a whole for the activities of: ” Design, development, manufacturing, marketing and technical assistance service of therapeutic laser medical products”The Quality Management system has as finality the satisfaction of the clients of COMERCIAL COSMÉTICA VALLADOLID SL, in the fulfillment of all the requirements, as much those specified by the client as the legal or regulatory ones and those necessary for the correct functioning of the organization. For this, the address of COMERCIAL COSMETICS VALLADOLID, SL is committed to meet the following general objectives: Commitment to comply with the legal requirements that are applicable, among which is the European Regulation of Sanitary Products, in addition to complying with the requirements of the client and the requirements of the Management System of the Quality implemented, based on the standards UNE EN ISO 9001 and UNE EN ISO 13485. Commitment to promote the maintenance and improvement of the implemented Quality Management System, putting into play all the resources that it deems necessary to achieve our objectives. Commitment to effectively control all of our activities, with special emphasis on the quality and safety of our products, and the review of expectations of stakeholders. Commitment to promote compensation and dissemination of our Quality Policy within our organization, through continuous training and communication with our workers and all Relevant stakeholders through its publication on our web page. Document reviewed and approved by the Manager of COMERCIAL COSMÉTICA VALLADOLID, S.L., dated 09/15/2017.