It is not just a piece of equipment, but a whole proven system specially DESIGNED TO OBTAIN GREAT RESULTS based on the extensive experience of professional aestheticians.

BELLACTION is not a complementary treatment to any other. It obtains its results on its own, only with its NATURAL SYSTEM of deep physioactive massage.

It does not need any other treatment to achieve its objective. What really sets it apart from the others is ITS GREAT RESULTS, but BELLACTION IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY OTHER SYSTEM in cases where the practitioner decides to combine it with other treatments.

Until now the best results in cellulite have been achieved by ‘pinching’, kneading, pinching, suctioning and dragging… all of them are potentially aggressive with the most superficial layers of the tissues and do not manage to access the deepest layers where the most stubborn cellulite and the musculature are found, in addition to the fact that they all cause traction on the dermis and epidermis with the logical consequence of stretching the skin, causing the much feared flaccidity.

If these systems have obtained optimum results so far in the elimination of the most superficial cellulite, imagine what results can be obtained with equipment that slides and compresses without causing any traction on the most superficial tissues, generating a compression massage even in the deepest tissues where the most encysted cellulite and all the musculature is found.


Deep physioactive massage system. IT IS THE ONLY SYSTEM ON THE MARKET THAT WORKS ON ALL SOFT TISSUES, from skin to muscle.

It is the only one that provides in the same treatment the 5 most demanded results in the salon. It eliminates even the most stubborn cellulite, tones all soft tissues, eliminates retained liquids and tissue inflammation, remodels and eliminates contractures.

2 SIZES ON AVERAGE. The only one capable of reducing an average of 2 sizes without the need to lose weight, at the same time as firming, remodelling, eliminating liquids and decontracting.


Unlike other systems that attack and cause traction on the skin, Bellaction works by COMPRESSION and SLIDING, without causing any traction on any facial tissue, making it the only system that AVOID AND TREAT FLACIDITY with surprising results.

It is a system specially designed to facilitate the work of professionals, increasing their results in facial treatments, without causing fatigue or wearing out their hands.

There is no other product on the market with these characteristics, but the most remarkable thing about this system is its results.


Fats: Adipose tissue fulfils its function of retaining lipids as a source of energy, causing inflammation in the cell, a considerable increase in the volume of fat, and creating orange peel skin.

Fluids: Cell membranes become more impermeable due to metabolic imbalance, reducing the capacity for fluid transmission through them and causing fluid retention.

Toxins: Cellular exchange is very limited due to obstruction and compression of the capillary system and lymphatic elimination pathways, the blood does not circulate fluidly and becomes saturated with cellular waste. The nourishment of all tissues is very poor in nutrients and oxygen causing atrophy of the tissues.

Benefits of BellAction Duo equipment

Effective | No pain | No anaesthesia | No incisions | No convalescence period | No post-treatment care

It eliminates unsightly volumes on the surface and in depth with a very high efficiency, it provides health at all levels and in all the tissues worked on, achieving what no other system is capable of obtaining:

To enhance the aesthetic volumes by working all the muscle tissue, nourishing and toning its fibres and recovering its correct anatomical volume, thus achieving that feminine figure with its balanced anatomical shapes.

By not subjecting the skin to any mechanical traction, we have also achieved smooth, firm and healthy-looking skin, completely eliminating orange peel skin.

As a result of the work on the musculature during the treatment, the “sagging” buttocks regain their rounded shape and are lifted back into their correct position, the abdomen and waist lose volume and gain firmness, the thighs regain their tone and the lost aesthetic volume, achieving the desired uniform and balanced feminine shapes..

The BellAction Duo system obtains its results in volume and size reduction without the need for weight loss, in fact there have been clients who have gained 2/3 kilos during the treatment and have managed to reduce 2 sizes.

We present you other Ópphalo devices

Phoenix RF500+

The radiofrequency, capacitive and monopolar resistive, as well as bipolar resistive and photostimulation functions of the Opphalo Phoenix+ achieve correct cell regeneration.

Ópphalo LS-1200

O laser de díodo de alta potência LS-1200 da Opphalo incorpora inovações tecnológicas significativas em comparação com outros fabricantes.

Nexus 2000 Smart

Fast, versatile and easy to transport.

Thanks to its careful, performance-oriented design, it achieves high power levels in a small footprint.


A única pressoterapia com sistema de costas que trata as costas e o pescoço. O equipamento pode ser controlado por ativação por voz.

Take a closer look at our BellAction Duo Team

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